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Hoggar® offers a wide range of products to support adults to fall asleep. Treatment for acute sleep disorders.

Hoggar® Night - Tablets (OTC)
For the short-term treatment of insomnia.

Hoggar® Night - Fused tablets (OTC)
For the short-term treatment of insomnia.

Hoggar® Balance Melatonin Tablets (Food supplement)
As a gentle, natural sleep aid. Food supplement with the body's own sleep hormone, melatonin.

Hoggar® Balance Melatonin Spray (Food supplement)
Sleep aid. Contributes to reducing the time it takes to fall asleep in a gentle and natural way.

Hoggar® Melatonin Duo Capsules (Food supplement)
With two phases: Lavender oil to fall asleep, melatonin passion flower & vitamin B6 to sleep through the night.

Hoggar® Melatonin Gummies (Food supplement) 

Brand in international markets: Austria, Germany, Portugal