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STADA has been assuming responsibility for its employees, society and the environment for over 125 years.

Caring for People’s Health
Our strategic priorities and values are the basis of our entire commitment to sustainable development in order to lead sustainable business and growth, while achieving a positive impact on people and their health, the economy and the environment. And we bring these to life everyday. For us, caring for people’s health is more than providing support for prevention and treatment through a complete range of STADA’s quality, reliable and affordable pharmaceutical products. It also involves raising awareness of personal health care and healthy lifestyles, while supporting public health care systems. Further, it is our civic duty to act as responsible citizens – we as individuals, we as a team and a society. This is exactly what makes us a partner of trust and choice when it comes to people’s health.
Our Sustainability Stories
UN SDGs & STADA values: Building on each other
In line with STADA's business priorities, purpose of and values, STADA focuses on five of the 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals, to which the Group makes a relevant contribution.
Management of material topics

- Sustainable products
- Resource consumption and waste
- Decarbonization and climate change
Environmental aspects are centrally steered by the Global HSE function through global environmental standards/guidance; setting global and local targets and supporting the local operations with adaptation and implementation. HSE performance and risk reporting is integrated into the monthly business performance review process to the CTO.
The locations have implemented local processes (e.g. certified ISO 14001 management systems) to ensure compliance with environmental laws and to continuously improve their environmental performance based on Group-wide requirements.
Product-related aspects are addressed by integrating e.g. packaging aspects into product development or to review and improve existing products.
- Fair working conditions
- Corporate culture and values
- CSR and support to public healthcare
- Employee engagement and retention
- Data privacy and security
- Occupational health and safety
- Employee development
- Diversity, inclusion and gender equality
STADA’s personnel strategy is managed centrally by the Global Human Resources department at Group headquarter in Bad Vilbel, Germany. It consists of the following divisions: Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Performance & Rewards (P&R) and HR Digitalization, Processes & Analytics. Further, these departments specify standards, guidelines and processes that are implemented by the international subsidiaries and supplemented in accordance with market-specific conditions. A global payroll policy was adopted in 2022. In view of a strong centrally managed international HR structure, there are also functional reporting lines from all regional HR managers to the global HR management, as well as a global HR management team with local representatives from the largest market regions. STADA endorses a pay-for-performance philosophy and utilizes variable incentives, when consistent with market practices, to drive individuals towards optimum performance. Global Rewards guidelines are based on 1.) market data and insights of the leading global providers (WTW, Mercer, KornFerry) and partly enriched by local providers as well as 2.) work measurement (job architecture, grading, job mapping or comparable) for a wide range of jobs and entities in STADA based on methods of the global leading methods such as e.g. WTW, IPE, former Hay. STADA’s P&R department is tracking and monitoring GenderPay equality and working on ensuring compliance with EqualPay requirements from the EU commission which will be one of the focus topics for the coming years. STADA aspires to offer similar compensation ranges for both women and men, for the same business positions, regardless of gender or location of operations.
Occupational health & safety (OHS) is managed centrally by the Global HSE function which is defining global OHS standards / guidelines as well as global and site-level targets, is managing OHS reporting and incident investigation and knowledge sharing across the local OHS functions. The sites have implemented local processes (e.g. certified ISO 45001 management systems) to ensure compliance with applicable laws and to continuously improve their OHS performance based on Group-wide requirements.
- Product quality and safety
- Respect for human rights
- Transparency and ethical marketing
- Governance and ethical business
- Access to medicines
- Responsible procurement
- Portfolio development
Product quality and safety are in the focus of STADA’s business operations as some of the main uncompromised targets. To ensure product quality and safety, STADA complies with legal requirements and guidelines in its development activities or, in the case of local developments, with the respective national requirements. In addition, for the planning and execution of clinical trials, the Group follows so-called Good Clinical Practice (GCP). STADA follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines at its production sites subject to GMP. As part of a Group-wide global pharmaceutical safety system – the STADA Global Pharmacovigilance System – the safety of all STADA pharmaceuticals worldwide is monitored and ensured through the collection and evaluation of reported pharmaceutical risks and/or suspicion on adverse drug reactions.
For the global leadership team, there were monthly video conferences with the CEO as well as two in-person meetings in the spring and fall of 2022, focusing not only on strategic updates but also on corporate culture. At such calls and meeting all important governance and business topics are being presented in detail and discussed in order to achieve fully aligned action of further top-down implementation.
Legal and Compliance business function sets organizational and procedural structure and provides advice to the business while the Internal Audit function is assessing all STADA’s operations in order to provide full alignment with corporate policies and business ethics, as well as all applicable laws, standards and regulations.
Values (incl. principles and standards with norms of behavior) are included as KPIs for each STADA management member on all levels. This is being evaluated each year and affects personal targets and achievements assessment.