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Genetic testing can help detect illnesses

The Health Report 2024 shows: More than 3 in 4 Europeans would undergo genetic testing if advised by their doctor.

Genetic testing can help detect individual predispositions for certain illnesses, and – thanks to timely intervention – prevent or treat them before they manifest themselves. Sounds like a sensible thing to do, but would all Europeans take such a test if their general practitioner recommended it? Generally, 77 percent of Europeans would consent to such a test – a decrease by 4 percentage points compared to 2023. The willingness to undergo genetic testing is highest among people aged 18 to 34 (80 percent) and lowest among those over 55 (74 percent). Overall, the main reason to refuse such tests is that people simply do not want to know which risks await them in the future (13 percent).

With its 10th anniversary edition, the STADA Health Report ventures beyond identifying trends in Europeans’ thoughts and worries about all things health, to also offer actionable solutions for problem areas.

Find out more about these issues, their underlying causes and possible solutions in the full Health Report. And we will share more exciting insights over the coming weeks, so stay tuned.