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STADA: Executive Board gives a positive summary of 2012 at Annual General Meeting and adheres to the positive outlook till 2014 – Supervisory Board members approved

  • 05/06/2013
  • Investor News
  • Press Release

Frankfurt am Main, June 5, 2013

At the Annual General Meeting of STADA Arzneimittel AG, which took place today in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, the Chairman of the Executive Board, Hartmut Retzlaff, gave a positive summary of financial year 2012 and confirmed the Group's positive outlook until 2014. “In 2012, we once again overcame difficult situations and at the same time took advantage of arising opportunities thereby allowing us to continue STADA's long-standing success story and further cement our position in an intensifying competitive environment”, said Retzlaff as quoted from the speech's script.

Dr. Martin Abend was re-elected as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of STADA Arzneimittel AG at the Supervisory Board meeting held directly after the Annual General Meeting, in which the membership of all shareholder representatives in the Supervisory Board was confirmed for another five years. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board re-elected the employee representative Manfred Krüger as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Retzlaff began his speech by discussing the developments of financial year 2012 and also commented on the events of the first quarter of 2013. The internationalization of the STADA Group and the expansion of the branded products were advanced as planned along with additional successes achieved in the cost-efficiency program “STADA – build the future”.

The Chairman of the Executive Board then summarized the Group's opportunities and risks and confirmed the positive outlook for financial year 2013 in view of the strategic success factors – despite the environment which remains challenging. Retzlaff also confirmed the long-term prognosis envisaged for 2014, which he still considers achievable in light of an improved product and regional mix, additional cost-reduction potential and other earnings-improving measures as well as the growth opportunities that arise particularly in the emerging generics markets of the market region Central Europe as well as in the market regions CIS/Eastern Europe and Asia & Pacific.
The Annual General Meeting endorsed all of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board’s proposals. Accordingly, the Annual General Meeting resolved a dividend of Euro 0.50 per STADA common share, which is by 35.1 percent significantly higher than the previous year, with the remaining surplus being carried forward. The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board were confirmed with a high level of approval. In addition, the Executive Board made resolutions on the creation of a new authorized capital and a new conditional capital as well as on the purchase and utilization of treasury shares.


The Annual General Meeting confirmed the membership of all shareholder representatives in the Supervisory Board

  • Dr. Martin Abend (Chairman)
  • Dr. Eckhard Brüggemann
  • Dr. K. F. Arnold Hertzsch
  • Dieter Koch
  • Constantin Meyer and
  • Carl Ferdinand Oetker


for an additional five years. It was also resolved to revise the remuneration of the Supervisory Board.

The wording of today’s speech script of the Chairman of the Executive Board as well as the exact voting results for all items on the agenda can be found at STADA’s website at

For more information, please contact:

STADA Arzneimittel AG
Corporate Communications
D-61118 Bad Vilbel
Tel.: +49 6101 603-113
Fax: +49 6101 603-506
e-mail: [email protected]