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STADA Health Report 2020: One in five Europeans expects rapid return to normal
- 29/07/2020
- Press Release
- One in five Europeans surveyed expects a rapid return to normal in the second half of this year with no serious financial crisis – including a third of Serbs.
- Nearly one in four of us believes the current corona pandemic will have positive consequences, such as that we will look out for each other more.
- But almost three in 10 fear that the future will bring further pandemics which could have implications such as restrictions on travel.
- Results of the Corona Special in the STADA Health Report 2020 with more than 6,200 respondents in six European countries.
Bad Vilbel, 28 July 2020 – Hope remains. One in five Europeans is optimistic that the corona pandemic will be over in the second half of this year, with a rapid return to normal. This is shown by a survey on the topic of corona, which was conducted in Germany, Italy, Russia, Serbia, Spain and the United Kingdom in addition to the STADA Health Report 2020. For the Corona Special, a representative survey of around 6,200 people was conducted during the second quarter of 2020.
Degrees of optimism for a quick return to normal without a serious financial crisis vary among the six countries in the survey. While this opinion is shared by an above-average 33% of Serbs, in Germany and the UK, at 15 percent each, people are more sceptical.
At the same time, however, many British also believe that corona will have a positive effect in that we will pay more attention to our fellow human beings in the future (27%) ─ an assumption that one is less likely to share in Italy (15%) and Russia (16%).
More appreciation for medical staff
A positive consequence of the crisis, which has manifested itself throughout Europe, is a significantly increased recognition for the important work that doctors, nurses and their colleagues do every day. In total, 44% of Europeans say they now have greater respect for the performance of healthcare professionals. In Italy and Spain, two countries that are very much affected by corona, this figure is even higher than half (Italy 51%; Spain 52%).
Fears of further pandemics and economic effects
Nevertheless, fears persist among many Europeans for both their physical and financial health. When asked about their outlook for the second half of 2020, 29% of respondents anticipated more frequent pandemics in the future, the consequences of which will affect us personally, for example through travel restrictions. One third of people in Spain (33%) were of this opinion, but just one in four Serbs (25%).
In Europe, the corona virus not only subjecting healthcare systems and medical professionals to a stress test. The outbreak has also left its mark on the civilian population. There is a lack of confidence, especially among Spaniards, who after the UK have seen the most deaths in Europe*: As a result of the pandemic, 42% of Spaniards expect a financial crisis in the second half of the year. On average, Europeans are slightly less pessimistic in this regard, with 36% of them anticipating a severe economic downturn.
Regardless of what the future brings, 16% of Europeans have come to an individual conclusion about how they will prepare: In future, they will always have a well-filled medicine chest. Leading the way in this regard are Russians (20%) and people in the UK (19%).
And while just one in ten Europeans surveyed foresaw relying more in future on self-medication, the picture was very different among the six participating countries. In Italy, just 6% intended to turn to more OTC remedies. But Spain was double the average at 20%.
*, accessed 21.07.2020
About the STADA Health Report 2020
The survey for the STADA Health Report 2020 with the topic "The path to the future of health" was conducted by the market research institute Kantar on behalf of STADA Arzneimittel AG. The 24,000 respondents included around 2,000 people each from Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Further information on the STADA Health Report and much more can be found at:
About STADA Arzneimittel AG
STADA Arzneimittel AG is headquartered in Bad Vilbel, Germany. The company focuses on a two-pillar strategy consisting of generics, including specialty pharmaceuticals and non-prescription consumer health products. Worldwide, STADA Arzneimittel AG sells its products in approximately 120 countries. In financial year 2019, STADA achieved adjusted Group sales of EUR 2,608.6 million and adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of EUR 625.5 million. As of December 31, 2019, STADA employed 11,100 people worldwide.
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